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Telae, new technologies and gastronomy


Logo TelaeTelae has been designed in order to enable a better communication between luxury hotels and restaurants.

The idea that inspired this application is the following: good restaurants often have tables booked month in advance. Nevertheless they are not protected against a last minute cancellation and when this happens, if they can't find another client, they simply loose money.
On the other hand, there is always someone in an hotel asking for a good restaurant at the last minute. To answer this demand, concierges have to phone every restaurant in the city which takes a lot of time.

Telae is an application that solve this communication problem. Restaurants can notify hotels that they have some tables available by a simple click, and hotels can search the list of available tables to find exactly what their customers need. This is done in real time thanks to the Internet.

Telae has been designed to maximize confidentiality and efficiency: restaurants and hotels can make favorites list of each other in order to communicate only with their usual partner.

Telae is a web based service devloped with Flex and PHP/MySQL.

Telae screens


More informations on www.telae.eu (french site)

