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Oodoc.com : AIR client is ready
Thursday, 20 August 2009 21:15

Our customer Oodoc.com has choosen RIA and has its AIR application ready, realised by ourseleves around Oodoc.com's documents selling service.

 Logo Oodoc.com - plateforme de publication de documents

The widget aims every author publishing documents on the site. It offers :

  • An easy to access and clear view of the selling stats ;
  • An easier publication, now accessible through a simple drag'n'drop ;
  • A notification service in case of new sales.
This widget clearly puts the service closer to its user, giving them a faster access to it.

The application is public, accessible to every Oodoc.com author, signing in is free and a link on the webspace give you an easy install process.
