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Which positionning for Android ?
Monday, 05 October 2009 13:19

Android has been presented as the main iPhone competitor. Nevertheless, the big shark is still a small fish: the independence from constructors and a disappointing finish do not put the iPhone in jeopardy.

Android is trying to reach the App Store's level in application distribution; the new version seems to have taken criticisms into account and enables to preview the application before the installation... One of the main request of developpers is now satisfied, but is it enough to take the market maker position ? Of course it's not.

The open platform might be also an important leverage. Android is spreading, rumors and announcements talk about a lot of devices from a video game console to a media device, one trends that might become a market growth.

If the Android market become big enough in terms of users, it can reach the value of the iPhone one.

Oodoc.com : AIR client is ready
Thursday, 20 August 2009 21:15

Our customer Oodoc.com has choosen RIA and has its AIR application ready, realised by ourseleves around Oodoc.com's documents selling service.

 Logo Oodoc.com - plateforme de publication de documents

The widget aims every author publishing documents on the site. It offers :

  • An easy to access and clear view of the selling stats ;
  • An easier publication, now accessible through a simple drag'n'drop ;
  • A notification service in case of new sales.
This widget clearly puts the service closer to its user, giving them a faster access to it.

The application is public, accessible to every Oodoc.com author, signing in is free and a link on the webspace give you an easy install process.

Survey on the iPhone and the way it is used
Monday, 29 June 2009 15:46

Screenshot enquête

 Considering how many result we got, the survey we did a month ago satisfied us fully. 566 persons answered the questionnaire which is enough to assume a good distribution of the people who participated to the survey.

The typical iPhone user's is a man, single, between 18 and 35 years old that have studied up to a master degree. Considering the income, we noticed that it is evenly distributed among iPhone's owners.

Note that most people who took the survey where Apple's customer before getting an iPhone : 35% of them had a Mac. The Apple's way of designing products seems to satisfy its customers.

Concerning applications, Steve Jobs wanted to put together a phone, an iPod and a computer. Considering video game popularity (82%) on the platform it seems that there is also a portable games console in the bundle. Notice that considering the diversity of profile on the set of people taking the survey, the iPhone is not a games console for hard core gamers but for every one. It is video games that people are the most likely to buy spontaneously (68% of the cases).

Answers concerning the price's threshold under which people buy spontaneously shows how much the pricing policy is important : 0.79 € seems to be the main psychologic threshold.

The document presents graphical representations of the results for each class of users but it's been only released in french.



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To download the survey, right click on the link above then click on "Save as...".

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